Florida Rambler’s Copyright

Last updated on August 7th, 2024 at 02:26 pm

Florida Rambler’s stories and photographs are original and fully protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. This mean you may not republish or use the articles, listings or photographs published on FloridaRambler.com without written permission.

Our content is valuable to us and unique. We work long hours and travel widely at considerable expense to provide it to our readers.

FloridaRambler.com has a vested interest in any use of our original, creative material.

Without permission, you may…

  • Print articles for personal use. Commercial use is prohibited without written permission. Don’t be afraid to ask.
  • Web publishers may republish a headline and a brief description (up to 125 words) with a link to the full article on FloridaRambler.com under the fair-use doctrine of U.S. Copyright law.
  • Web publishers may use a thumbnail (150×150) of photographs, provided the photo is linked to the full article on FloridaRambler.com.

You may not…

  • Republish our content, whole or in part, without written permission.
  • Republish any content or photographs with third-party copyrights for which we received permission to use only on FloridaRambler.com.
  • Web publishers may not serve photos, images, or any other content from our servers.
  • Use our content in any manner that compromises our brand, the integrity of our content or the user experience.

Publisher’s note: We use online trackers to ensure compliance with our copyright. Violations of our copyright will be vigorously pursued.

Licensing our content

Fair and reasonable licensing terms are available should you wish to republish our articles in print or online.

Past and current licensees have included the Orlando Sentinel, South Florida SunSentinel, the Miami Herald, The Guardian UK, HomeAway.com, VacationHomeRentals.com and CruiseOne.

What does copyright mean?

When an individual or a group of individuals create something new and unique, U.S. Copyright law automatically and instantly awards full ownership rights to that creation and the creator.

If you write an original screenplay, an article, or a blog post, or if you display an original photograph, you’ve created something new and unique and protected by copyright law.

We maintain logs with dates and times to prove ownership and first use, as well as revisions and updates to content.

If someone violates copyright by copying a blog post, article or photograph and attribute it to themselves or otherwise attempts to claim or imply authorship, U.S. Copyright Law enables us to obtain compensation, including penalties.

Fair use of published content allows you to use a short excerpt and thumbnail photo without permission, as long as you credit the author and link directly to the appropriate article on FloridaRambler.com.

Questions? Contact us