Last updated on July 5th, 2024 at 03:08 pm
Conflicting advice?
Remember that science is not facts, science is learning.
And scientists learn more about coronavirus and its variants every day. They’ll learn even more tomorrow.
Until they give the “all-clear” signal, we should…
- Wear a mask in public to protect yourself and others
- Maintain social distancing to reduce exposure to the virus
- Wash your hands often to protect yourself and your family
- Get vaccinated as soon as we can
Campground Safety
- Use the bathroom in your camper, if you have one
- Keep six feet between you and other campers
- Avoid areas that don’t offer safe distancing
- Respect others’ ability to social distance
- Avoid hugs, handshakes and large gatherings
- Limit groups to 10 or fewer
- Dispose of trash in dumpsters
- Avoid using campground laundry facilities
- Do not touch other campers’ laundry
- Restroom closures will be more frequent than usual
- Use shower facilities another time if they are busy
- Wait outside occupied facilities and stand six feet apart while waiting
- Stay home if you feel sick.
- Return home if you exhibit symptoms.