Flock to a wonderland of birds on Pelican Island

Last updated on October 11th, 2024 at 10:52 am

A roost for birds of many feathers

Temporarily closed due to Hurricane Milton. For updates, go to Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge.

pelican island green heron kennan adams Flock to a wonderland of birds on Pelican Island
Green Heron at the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge. (Photo by Keenan Adams / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

Pelican Island is the nation’s first National Wildlife Refuge, created by President Teddy Roosevelt in 1903 in an effort to end the slaughter of pelicans, ibis and egrets for their plumage.

Hats with feathers were all the rage at the turn of the century, and poachers hunted many species of birds to the brink of extinction.

Roosevelt signed an executive order in 1903, the first of its kind, that banned hunting on the island, viewed by conservationists as the last breeding ground for white pelicans on the east coast.

Before the end of his presidency, he would go on to create 55 more wildlife refuges across the country, including nine in Florida.

pelican island Aerial of Pelican Island National Willdife Refuge Flock to a wonderland of birds on Pelican Island
Pelican Island.

Initially, the declaration did little to stop the poachers, and protecting the pelicans that flocked here was a dangerous job. Two wardens were killed in those early years, until a local boat builder named Paul Kroegel came along, armed and ready to defend the island and its feathered inhabitants.

During the 1960s, this sanctuary once again faced a threat by man as developers moved into the area, seeking to purchase and build on the wetlands and islands surrounding Pelican Island.

Local citrus growers, commercial fisherman and sportsmen, aided by the Florida Audubon Society, convinced the state to expand the refuge to include more than 5,000 acres of diverse habitats on western Orchid Island and submerged lands in the Indian River Lagoon around the island.

The Pelican Island Conservation Society sponsors the 10th annual Indian River Bird & Nature Art Show from September 30 until October 26 in conjunction with National Wildlife Refuge Week (Oct. 13-19). For more information, visit firstrefuge.org.

Visiting Pelican Island: A sight to see

pelican island national wildlife refuge map
Facilities map for the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, located 4 miles south of Sebastian Inlet. (National Wildlife Refuge map)

More than 30 species of birds currently use Pelican Island as a rookery, roost or feeding ground, and 16 species nest in the wildlife refuge, including pelicans, wood storks, several varieties of egrets and herons, as well as the double-crested cormorant, anhinga and the American oystercatcher.

The fall and spring migrations are a particularly good time to visit, but the refuge hosts an impressive variety of species year around. In fall, your can observe migrating birds coming here to roost for the winter. In the spring, you can watch them join the migrating flocks heading back north for summer.

pelican island national wildlife refuge
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge (Photo by George Gentry/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

While Pelican Island itself is off-limits to humans, the encircling wildlife refuge is easily accessible from State Road A1A, 14 miles north of Vero Beach and 4 miles south of Sebastian Inlet.

The refuge offers two 3-mile loop trails around managed salt marsh, and a new Wildlife Trail opens up refuge habitats to visitors. 

The easy 3/4-mile Centennial Trail offers views of Centennial Pond and culminates in a 500-foot ADA-accessible boardwalk and observation tower overlooking Pelican Island, itself off-limits to visitors.

  • Bird’s Impoundment Trail — 2.72 miles. Fishing is popular along this trail.
  • Joe Michael Memorial Trail — 2.54 miles. Popular birding trail around a salt marsh with an observation deck.
  • Wildlife Trail — 0.63 miles
  • Centennial Trail — 0.35 miles. Boardwalk and observation tower overlooking Pelican Island.

The refuge’s restrooms are accessible from the parking lot just off State Road A1A.

Download the Pelican Island Bird List (PDF)

Bird Migration Forecast for Pelican Island: Cornell Labs

Historic Jungle Trail

jungle trail pelican island national wildlife refuge
The Jungle Trail follows the shoreline of the Indian River Lagoon south from the Pelican island National Wildlife Refuge. (Photo by Leonard J. DeFrancisci)

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Historic Jungle Trail is a hard-pack sandy road built in the 1920s to serve citrus growers on Orchard Island.

Cars still use it, but it’s mostly occupied by bicyclists, hikers and joggers. The hard-packed sand makes it easy-going for wide-tire bicycles and eBikes.

The 8-mile trail is accessible from the parking lot at the Pelican Island Wildlife Refuge and passes through of palms and other coastal wetland species, as well as gated communities, spectacular homes and the shores of Indian River Lagoon.

Pelican Island by boat

Pelican Island itself is not accessible from the surrounding refuge, but you can get closer than the refuge’s observation tower in a kayak, canoe, paddleboard or small boat.

Shallow waters restrict access by larger boats.

While you are prohibited from landing on the island, you can get close enough to view wildlife, take photographs and check off a few species on your bird list.

You may also want to visit the string of spoil islands on the west side of the waterway, where you can put ashore and picnic.

Kayak launch points

Sebastian Inlet State Park. The launch ramp is located within the state park on the south side of Sebastian Inlet. Paddle south from the launch on the Indian River, across the open bay and around the first group of islands you encounter. Pelican Island is straight ahead on the east side of the Indian River. If you don’t have your own kayak, rent one from the Bayside Marina on the north side of Sebastian Inlet.

Main Street Park, Main Street at Indian River Drive, Sebastian. This may be the closest ramp to Pelican Island, but it’s also a busy launch area for motorboats. From the ramp, paddle south along a string of spoil islands. At the last island, turn east toward the observation tower in the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge. While you will be unable to land on Pelican Island, you can paddle back to the spoil island and beach your kayak for a picnic.

Wabasso Causeway Park. This park on the causeway to Orchid Island (SR 510) is three miles south of Pelican Island, but it makes an excellent base camp for your paddle into the refuge. The causeway features beaches, docks, boat launch and picnic pavilions. Paddle north under the causeway bridge to the north side of Wabasso Island, then veer east to the East Channel through the mangroves until you see the refuge’s observation tower.

Fishing and clamming

Brown and white pelicans at Pelican Island NWR. (Photo: George Gentry, USFWS)
Brown and white pelicans at Pelican Island NWR. (Photo: George Gentry, USFWS

Fishing is permitted in the open water areas of the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge. The lagoon is a breeding ground for fish, and you are close to Sebastian Inlet, where game fish transit into and out of the lagoon.

Popular catches are redfish, snook, sea trout, and mangrove snapper.

Recreational shellfish harvesting is permitted within the refuge, although you cannot use rakes, and you must steer clear of commercially leased areas, which are marked.  My wife and I have gone clamming in these waters many times with friends, although we didn’t know we were in the refuge at the time.

Leased areas for clam and oyster farming in the Indian River Lagoon are marked with stakes and buoys. Stay clear. They are privately managed and provide a livelihood for many area residents.

If you don’t have a kayak, you can access the refuge’s shallow clam and oyster beds from State Road A1A, just north of the refuge entrance. Wear socks and wade out into the mud. You can feel the clams beneath your feet, and the water is shallow enough where you can reach down and pick them up with your hands once you find them.

This is a broad, shallow area with acres and acres of clam beds, and you’ll have better pickings the farther out you wade. Bring a tube or a kayak to hold onto and just poke around in the mud with your feet. (Wear socks.)

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission regulates recreational shellfish harvesting in the Indian River, so it would be prudent to familiarize yourself with the rules by visiting this web page.


There is no camping in the Pelican Island Wildlife Refuge, but within a few miles there are several public campgrounds where you can pitch a tent or park an RV.

Boaters can camp on spoil islands in the Intracoastal Waterway. Spoil islands are the product of channel dredging, and most are overgrown with trees and vegetation. Some of the islands even have designated campsites with picnic tables and fire rings. No reservations needed. Visit the Spoil Island Project’s web site.

Sebastian Inlet State Park., 9700 South Highway A.1.A., Melbourne Beach. 51 renovated campsites overlook the inlet for both RVs and tents. Shade is sparse. All sites have water and electric, but no sewer hookups. There is a dump station on site, and rest rooms with showers are convenient to all campers. A camp store sells the basics, including bait for fishing. Sebastian Inlet State Park is divided into two sectors. The campground entrance is south of the inlet, and it has its own boat ramp. Another boat ramp is available at the park’s marina on north side of the inlet, primarily destination for day visitors. Campsites are $28 a night plus a daily $7 utility fee. Book online at reserve.floridastateparks.org

Long Point County Park, 700 Long Point Road, Melbourne Beach. One of my favorite campgrounds, Brevard County’s Long Point Park is one mile north of Sebastian Inlet State Park, just off State Road A1A. The campground is on an island in the Indian River, and a majority of the campsites are waterfront with access to launch your kayak or moor your motorboat. If you get an inside site, there is a boat launch on one side of the park. All sites have water and electric. Food, beer and bait is available at a nearby convenience store. Book online at brevardfl.gov

Read more about camping at Sebastian Inlet State Park and Long Point County Park.

Donald MacDonald Campground Park, 12315 Roseland Road, Sebastian. A very nice, wooded and shaded public campground with boating access to the Sebastian River. Although most of the campsites are improved with fire pits and picnic tables, only five have electric and water hookups for RVs. All are accessible by motor vehicle. This campground is not well-known or heavily used, so sites are almost always available, according to locals. In the tent loop, potable water is available from conveniently placed spigots. Book online at secure.rec1.com

Read more about camping at Donald MacDonald Park.

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